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Project madness!
Monday, November 17, 2008 at 1:24 AM

Arghhhhh, project kills my brain cells. Loads. CMSK can really drain me out. Soon, DNCK is gonna do that too. Lets hope my OOPG and HOOP dont! First test tomorrow for CMATHS2. Thank God there was Xiao Yi to guide me. Super happy la! :)

Amazingly, I went running on my own today! I think I should jog often. I've been like missing jogging for a few days due to the weather. Then when I started to jog today, I felt that Im not really running like how I did few days ago. Haha. Felt heavy. Whatever it is, I shall train harder! Was inspired by my cousin, STEPHANIE! Haha. She's like a muscle madness woman now. Always running and gym-ing. Guess what? She runs twice a day! I cannot stand her. Haha. I shall slowly increase to run everyday!

Okk, enough of that. Past few days was full of fun, emo-ness and love.

12 nov -
Celebrated Sk's birthday and it was successful. Sorry sk! It was a little last minute but Im glad that you enjoyed it. :D Pictures later! Haha. Ali and me edited it one by one ok! Sebas one was the whole story already. The legend. Alright.. Went to Ikea for dinner and went around like playing in Ikea. I wanna go there again! :)

14 nov -
Accompanied Sk today! CCN day was today as well. It was madness. All my friends bugging me to get something from them. Haha. I tried something new. Thanks to Ali. She intro-ed me to eat helium and start talking! I wonder if I can get the video from Ah Sam! Shall let you all hear it. Ok, maybe not. If you all wanna catch me in that, check out my Ah Sam's blog. See ah sam, free advertisment for you ok! Haha. Kidding! Anyway, we headed to east coast park to slack and eat dinner. Chill-ed, emo-ed and headed off to Changi to see Ah Kuas. Although it was a little retarded, I was super excited because its like my first time seeing one in Singapore. A true one. Finally, after 10 minutes of twirling around in the car and parking to camp for them, we saw one and another and another! They were super pretty, I tell you. Just that, their legs were.. so.. muscular and 粗。Haha. We saw another one entering a lorry. Tsk tsk.. you never know ah.

Yesterday was a great day spent with my church mates! :) Happy that Ali and Lili came along too! Heeeee. Played many games! Like double wacko, telematch er.. there were more! Andrew was the funniest. He fell in the mud! I couldn't stop laughing. It was hilarious! Hahahaha. GO GROUP 2 GO YOU GO YOU GO! We came in 3rd anyway. HOORAYYY~ Good job! Glad that Ali and Lili had fun too!

Headed off for home and to my grandma's place. Thanks Jeff for the ride to my grandma's place. It was really nice of you! :D Slacked and had baked potato. Fel's cooking = 一级棒! Love it! Then, Sam drove Ah yi's car back to her place leaving Ah di and me to wait for them to return. Fel came back driving and there.. the answer was clear to why was driving back for Ah yi super long? haha. Fel was like training her driving la. So we went in rounds and Ah Yi trained her 3 point turn. We went like to and fro from Sam's place and back for about 3-4 times. Haha. Then we met Shiling running. Didi was super super funny! He kept inviting her in to the car. But she didn't want to. Spoil her running momentum! Haha.

Didi: Eh shiling, come in leh.
Shiling: * shakes head*
Didi: Faster la, I open the door for you.
Shiling: * puts on her ear piece *
Didi: OI! Fasterrrr!!!
Shiling: *Remove earpiece and say dont want *

Hahahahahah. I couldnt stop la! Shiling was telling me after her run that she really had the urge to enter! Hahahha. Didi ah.. Tsk tsk. Then reached Didi's house finally. Anyway, Didi, Shiling and Sam are siblings! Ok. :) Then we played ugly doll for the very first time with Ah Fel. Haha! Her reaction is relatively slow. Cannot blame her. She's sick for weeks you know. Oops. Haha. Then we played slap jack! & I finished... * drum rolls* FIRST! Fel lost again. Again, its related to your reaction.

Today, spent my day doing my work and cmsk. Headache is killing me but Im glad that I finished all of them! Alright, update next week. Hope that things would occupy my mind to stop me from thinking about useless things! Yessss! TPRAWKS TMR! :D Cooolll~ But more tests coming up! I've got 3 tests this week! Ughhhhh. Jiayou Em! & to my Ah Sam and Sk too! LOVE YOU ALL! Sayonnara~

The place we went before
I never forgot that love we had
But its over,
really over.

This was the hit!!!!! :D:D:D Sebas dont kill me!

Have fun everybody!
